Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cover Girl!

One day my dear friend Leslie sent me a text message telling me that I MUST pick up the latest issue of Bon Appetit magazine because there was an article about pie.  When I got home from work that day my wonderful better half, Rachel, had already purchased the issue for me!  I gasped when I saw the beautiful Lime & Blackberry Italian Meringue pie on the cover.  And the article inside, entitled "Let Them Eat Pie," featured some really beautiful classic pies with a modern twist.  I knew that I'd be trying out a few recipes for the blog.

Fast forward a few weeks.  I'm wasting time on Facebook and I see a post by Bon Appetit magazine asking readers to "cook the cover" (the pie!!) for a chance to be featured on their website.  Well, hello opportunity!  I hear you knocking loud and clear!  So I made their heavenly pie and it is beautiful and delicious!  My only tiny issue that I didn't use a deep-dish pie pan (as the recipe states, oops) and therefore my pie's proverbial cup runneth over!  Oh well, she's still a knockout anyway!  And here's hoping  that I get some more traffic to the blog, and hopefully a plug on their site!

Click on the link above to get their recipe and try this sweet little number yourself!

Work it, girl!

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